Crit Nasty
Welcome to Crit Nasty, where we play D&D any way we want it to be! Join the Johnson siblings - Leea, Carley, Maggie, and Levi - as they go on weekly adventures across fantastical lands. You better believe it’s gonna get a little Crit Nasty!
103 episodes
5. Clockwork City - Is It Goo????
Whaaaaat nooooo we didn't take a random month long break??? We've been here the whole time???? In this episode: Jake asks the important question. Ma swings and misses.Johnny has his big night. Kitty sees some ...
Season 7

4. Clockwork City - Boys Night!
Sorry it's been so long - I am only one girl. If it only were boys night!!! In this episode: Jake has a dream, don't say it's silly! Ma is just a girl who lives in the basement. Johnny has a fraud problem. ...
Season 7

3. Clockwork City - War on the Streets! (And Mizzledorf Made the Varsity Sports Team!)
Ah... Memorial day. A time to remember, ALL THE LIVES LOST IN CLOCKWORK CITY!!!! Pour one out for Sharn, Bugak, Ellinel, and two other guys who died in this episode whose names I don't remember, sorry guys. In this episode: Jake is...

100!!! Crit Nasty 100th Episode Special!!!
100 (and some change) episodes of Crit Nasty later ALREADY?! Damn! We are PROLIFIC! Please enjoy this special retrospective episode, and stay tuned for a special announcement!We are joining Ominous Media!!! They are a Podcast and Creati...

2. Clockwork City - Break Deals, Make Dreams
Wow I am so tired, I finished editing this episode at like 2am. And I'm 25. That's graveyard time for me. In this episode: Jake makes deals. Ma makes peace. Johnny makes good. Kitty makes off with the eng...
Season 7

x. Crit Nasty Crew Sode - Dungeon and Dragons Movie Review!
You know we had to do it to 'em. We got Leea, Carley, and Maggie on the mic to talk about how good Xenk was in this film. Thanks to Clark Baxtresser for our theme! Drop a review if you love to get Crit Nasty, and follow us on insta...

1. Clockwork City - The City that Ticks
Ahhhhh.... so many bad accents, so MUCH time. In this episode: Jake brings the lights up on Clockwork City. Ma has a lot of noodles to handle. Johnny makes good. Kitty sings The Little Drummer Boy. <...
Season 7

0. Clockwork City - Introduction
Hey wise guys! It's time to get introduced to the world of our campaign AND the extra special guest DM in charge of it!!! In this episode: Jake tells us about Clockwork City. Bean introduces Ma Grizzly. Carley int...
Season 7

23. The Final Return - Talkback
Ahhhhh the talkback - a method of debriefing as old as time itself. In this episode!Bean talks the behind the scenes in their biggest campaign to date. Carley pens the final page on Feno. Maggie drinks the last sip of ...
Season 6

22. The Final Return - The Finale Return Pt. 2
Ahhhh, another adventure must come to a close. We pay our respects to our most average band of heroes to date. We salute you! In this episode: Bean ends their second campaign! Feno finds a new path. Franceline fin...
Season 5

21. The Final Return - The Finale Return Pt. 1
Wanted desperately to call this episode "The Neck, The Back" for reasons that will become clear later. In this episode: Leea casts some cool spells! Feno tries out a new class. Franceline does a cool dance. <...
Season 6

20. The Final Return - The Pre-Penultimate Episode
Unfortunately gang.... we did not make it out without having to actually do the milk swap. In this episode: Bean is god. Feno makes tough choices. Franceline has had enough. And Shep writes a poem. <...
Season 6

19. The Final Return - Nerd Dick
Am I the drama? In this episode: Bean is a great creative writer. Feno burns bridges. Franceline has the best day ever. And Shep has to do the talking. Thanks to Clark Baxt...
Season 6

18. The Final Return - Who's Your Mommy?
If you can believe it, yes, we have both an episode entitled "Who's your Daddy?" AND "Who's Your Mommy?" I'll give you three guesses as to who said BOTH of them. Bean introduces their silliest character yet. Feno is a regu...
Season 6

17. The Final Return - Scramble! Up the Mountain
None of us even like Panic! At the Disco. The Brendan Urie cover of Into the Unknown from Frozen 2 is one big yarf. In this episode: Bean does a spin-off show of the spinagon. Feno tells the truth. Franceline was ...
Season 6

16. The Final Return - Who's Your Daddy?
It's another episode where we run away from things that are too big for us defeat. Gosh, Feno, Franceline, and Shep gotta get it together. In this episode: Bean clears the air. Feno bids an expeditious retreat. ...
Season 6

15. The Final Return - Kidney Stones AND Pancreatitis
Despite our best efforts, shit does go down. In this episode: Bean keeps the gang locked up. Feno contemplates self-stab-otage. Franceline wants Geoff's company. Shep has a rough night. Thank...
Season 6

14. The Final Return - Sweety Treaty
Uh oh...... into the mouth of the lion. Or whatever the saying is. In this episode: Bean likes sweety treaties. Feno is dishonest. Franceline wants to rollerblade. Shep returns home. Thanks t...
Season 6

13. The Final Return - Like My Brother and Sister
Sometimes family is a goat, sometimes it's bar patrons. Sometimes your mom is milk itself! In this episode:Bean punches someone in the face. Feno tells the truth about it his glasses. Franceline doesn't understand fami...
Season 6

12. The Final Return - Supreme Smackdown
The highly anticipated, even more controversial POLITICAL episode of Crit Nasty has arrived. It's topical, but not actually that topical since we record these things in advance. In this episode: Bean contemplates killing her own NP...
Season 6

11. The Final Return - Boulet!
The Crit Nasty Crew is absolutely on one this episode - shocker. In this episode. Bean goes into Uncharted territory. Feno makes some destructive choices. Franceline spins a tale. And Shep is inspired by ...
Season 6

10. The Final Return - Dammit!
Dammit! Another episode where we talk extensively about milk! In this episode: Bean gets chumped. Feno knows about werewolves.Franceline remembers something. And Shep isn't wearing the right shoes.
Season 6

x. Crit Nasty x Night Shift Crossover - Halloween Spooktacular Oneshot!
Prepare for a spoooooky, campppppy, naaaaasty oneshot with our great friends over at the Night Shift podcast - a horror media review podcast! We try to impress our guests using with our horror knowledge, and our guests in turn don't disown us f...