Crit Nasty
Welcome to Crit Nasty, where we play D&D any way we want it to be! Join the Johnson siblings - Leea, Carley, Maggie, and Levi - as they go on weekly adventures across fantastical lands. You better believe it’s gonna get a little Crit Nasty!
Crit Nasty
3. Clockwork City - War on the Streets! (And Mizzledorf Made the Varsity Sports Team!)
Ah... Memorial day. A time to remember, ALL THE LIVES LOST IN CLOCKWORK CITY!!!! Pour one out for Sharn, Bugak, Ellinel, and two other guys who died in this episode whose names I don't remember, sorry guys. In this episode:
Jake is the best newsie AND the worst newsie in Clockwork City.
Ma isn't sure how to keep the peace.
Johnny does a shot.
Kitty goes down.
Sinna schemes.
Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed, please drop a review. You can also follow us on insta and tiktok for more nasty content.
Other music in this sode:
Music by kretih from Pixabay - One of these days
Music by SergeQuadrado from Pixabay - Moment
Music from Pixabay - Echo blues effect
Music by SergeQuadrado from Pixabay - Urban
Music by FreeGroove from Pixabay - Seduction Jazz
Music by OYStudio from Pixabay - Comedy Detective