Crit Nasty
Welcome to Crit Nasty, where we play D&D any way we want it to be! Join the Johnson siblings - Leea, Carley, Maggie, and Levi - as they go on weekly adventures across fantastical lands. You better believe it’s gonna get a little Crit Nasty!
Crit Nasty
0. Clockwork City - Introduction
Hey wise guys! It's time to get introduced to the world of our campaign AND the extra special guest DM in charge of it!!! In this episode:
Jake tells us about Clockwork City.
Bean introduces Ma Grizzly.
Carley introduces Johnny Fracasso.
Maggie introduces Kitty St. James.
And Levi introduces Sinna Strassi.
Thanks to Clark Baxtresser for our theme music! Drop a review if you're psyched for Clockwork City, and follow us on insta and twitter @critnasty_pod.
Also, we featured an ad for Podcast Without an Audience at the beginning of this episode, please check them out and find them on instagram @podwithoutanaud